Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.
We have also provided a Register of Governor's Interests and an Annual Statement of Issues for your information.
Name | Governor's Responsibility | |
Mr A Horton |
Chair of Governors Compliance Lead | |
Mr M Smith |
Vice Chair of Governors Chair of HT Performance Management committee Chair of the Pay committee | |
Mrs N Murrell | Headteacher | |
Mr R Kemsley |
Health and Safety Associate Governor | |
Mr E Murphy | Chair of the Finance Committee | |
Mrs L Scott | Training Governor | |
Mrs E Aldous | EYFS Governor | |
Mrs E Baecke | | |
Mrs T Martin | Staff Governor | |
Mrs E Walker-Smith |
SEND Governor Pupil Premium and Inclusion Governor Safeguarding Governor HT Performance Management Committee | |
Ms A Williamson | Cyber- Security Governor | |
Mr Lee Mitchell | Finance Committee | |
Name | Governor Type | Appointed and by whom | Term of Office | Voting Rights |
Mr A Horton | Co-opted | 01/03/2024 by GB | 4 years | Yes |
Mr M Smith | Co-opted | 01/03/2024 by GB | 4 years | Yes |
Mrs N Murrell | Headteacher | 01/01/2024- Ex-officio | Ongoing | Yes |
Mr R Kemsley | Associate Member | 18/07/2024 by GB | 3 years | No |
Mr E Murphy | Co-opted | 01/03/2024 by GB | 4 years | Yes |
Mrs L Scott | Co-opted | 01/03/2022 by GB | 4 years | Yes |
Mrs E Aldous | Co-opted | 01/03/2023 by GB | 4 years | Yes |
Mrs E Baecke | Co-opted | 22/09/2022 by GB | 4 years | Yes |
Mrs T Martin | Staff | 01/04/2020 elected by staff | 4 years | Yes |
Mrs E Walker-Smith | Co-opted | 01/03/2024 by GB | 4 years | Yes |
Ms A Williamson | Parents | 12/10/2023 elected by parents | 3 years | Yes |
Mr L Mitchell | Parent | 13/07/2023 elected by parents | 3 years | Yes |
Ms A Saroy | Co-opted | 18/07/2024 by GB | 4 years | Yes |
What do we discuss at our meetings?
At each of our meetings, we make recommendations and decisions on a number of key priorities that affect the school. These are recorded along with our discussions and what we have supported and what we have challenged. Part of our role as Governors is to act as a 'Critical Friend' to the school.
Working in Partnership
Holywell School is led by Mrs Murrell as Headteacher. She has an excellent team of teachers and support staff and I take this opportunity to thank them for their marvellous contribution to the school.
We also have an excellent team in Parents and Friends of Holywell School (PFHS), and they are superb in their efforts to raise money for the benefit of the pupils at Holywell.
The Governors hugely values its links with the local Upchurch community. We are proud to be involved in community events throughout each year, and we continue to find new ways to work alongside those in our community.
As Governors, we regularly visit the school and our most recent focus was ‘Curriculum in Action’, observing different activities going on throughout the school and speaking to subject leaders and children about their learning in particular subjects.
How can you help?
When you have a free moment, please provide your thoughts and views on the school as part of the ' Parent's View' on the Ofsted website. This can be found here.
What about the future?
We are on a continuous journey to be the best school we can be. To achieve this, we are:
- A UNICEF Rights Respecting School. The rights of the child are at the heart of every decision we make.
- Enriching our curriculum through partnership and collaboration with the EKC Schools Trust
- Maximising and achieving the potential of every learner
- Strengthening and enhancing our communities
- Enabling the power of education to inspire children
- Ensuring that our environment, including ICT equipment, promotes all aspects of our vision
- That all stakeholders, including pupils, parents, staff and governors have a voice and a place in our school community.
Holywell School has a wonderful story to tell. The pupils are excellent ambassadors and are a great credit to you as parents and guardians. There is a vibrant and hugely positive atmosphere at Holywell School. The Governors are most grateful to you for your continued support - which is greatly appreciated.
Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I look forward to meeting you in the future.
Alan Horton
Governor Attendance for meetings held 2023-2024
Governor | Governor Type |
FGB meetings |
Emma Aldous |
Co-opted Governor |
1 |
Elspeth Baecke | Co-opted Governor | 4 |
Kate Espley | Head of School | 1 |
Alan Horton |
Co-opted Governor | 4 |
Ray Kemsley |
Co-opted Governor | 2 |
Tina Martin |
Staff Governor | 3 |
Lee Mitchell | Parent Governor | 3 |
Edward Murphy |
Co-opted Governor |
3 |
Lenore Scott | Co-opted Governor | 4 |
Mark Smith |
Co-opted Governor | 4 |
Tracey Snellings |
Clerk to Governors | 4 |
Emily Walker-Smith | Co-opted Governor | 1 |
Nicky Murrell | Headteacher | 3 |
Abigail Williamson | Parent Governor | 2 |